Friday, 5 June 2009

Who is a racist?

This is a question that always comes to my mind .

If a waiter who waits on me does not serve me the way I would expect him to serve me , do I brand him a racist ? He happens to be in a white dominated country and I am not white . He happens to be white . Is he a racist ? Well , I could assume he was one but I am not sure he is one . If a police officer at the airport stops me and only people of colour like me in EU zones when I am flying from one European Union country ( Schengen ) to another Schengen country , and he or she does so to check if we are illegal immigrants when technically , there is no passport control , then hell yeah , this police office is racist or at least thinks people of colour are not as good as white people . Yet, when you highlight racism issues to some people including people of colour , they say that you are only trying to play the victim and what you have experienced is not racism but it is just a figment of your own imagination . That is what I call baloney . I think the people who accuse people of colour of raising false racism issues when they really have a point are either contributing indirectly to the cause of racists or are dumb ..I am being nice by stopping at dumb.

I mean if a guy came over to me and said, say that German waiter over there is racist because he served me late or did not say thank you , I would ask him to think again . Of course, he would be better off not going to that restaurant again because either way he stands only to gain . He can avoid poor service and he can also avoid probably being confronted by a real racist. But , if a guy says that he was harassed by the Police based on his colour and when it is clear given what he says , to brand this person as delusional is childish . Don’t get me wrong . I am not branding all white people racist . They are simply not . I have some very good friends who happen to be white but I have noticed a lot of racism is rampant in the developed world . Yet , when I do bring this up to a few whites, they get all defensive and some even get aggressive . Not all whites think stupidly though. They forget that all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing .

Why is racism so rampant ? Is it a fear of the unknown ? Is it because they want to believe that people of colour cannot be better than them ? Or is it because they have a problem with their genes ?

I think in the developed world , if you happen to be too nice to people for instance at work , you are thought to be weak . Strange isn’t it ? Well , people here assume that if you are too nice , you are trying to cover up some of your disabilities. Twisted concept to say the least.

It also has to do with the inferiority complex of many people of colour . When they go abroad or they are with some white people , they try to do everything in the world to be like the white man or to please the white man .

Before I conclude with this post for the day , I want to say that I meant no offense but I know that I am not far from the truth . Am I an exceptional person of colour who has my own identity ? Am I a role model ? That is not for me to say . Can we combat racism ? Maybe, to an extent yes. You can either leave the country where racism is rampant or you can have your own identity and put a check on racism in places like say your work place by being assertive and by also giving the impression that you will not take shit .

Last but not the least, some of you who might come across this post of mine may say ,if I think racism is rampant in the country where I am , why am I here . Well , I was born in a foreign country and raised there. I have been to almost 20 countries . I like the international experience. I am not in love with the country that is my adopted home for now . I am just here to make money . This can never be my home . My home will always be the country which issued me a passport