Friday, 5 June 2009

Is God a figment of one's imagination ?

This is a question that has been asked over and over again that it sometimes bores you to death and yet I chose to get back to it .

I am no atheist and I blog often on sites hosted by atheists. Am I religious ? I think I am but my actions do not necessarily confirm that . I am not a regular churchgoer

I question my own religion quite a lot . Christianity that is . Wasn’t religion created to make people better and the world a better place ? Did it ? I do not think it did so overall .

So many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion . Christianity , Islam and Hinduism .

I think religion has been misused by narcissists to get to positions of power and there were many people who were dumb enough to fall for their machinations.

Haven’t you thought how powerful religion can be when people who have no proof that God exists go to great lengths to do anything to please this God ?

Does God exist ? I have no solid proof yet I have faith and one cannot prove belief. I believe because there are so many unexplained answers and because of personal experiences. Were these experiences just coincidence or were they indeed from God?
Many atheists tell me that science has almost all the answers. Almost is not all and not only that , we have not been able to create life yet . I do not mean primitive forms of bacteria or viruses that were supposedly created ( no real proof for that too ) .I mean beings like us . Of course, they have an excuse that they need more time . Take all the time you need. Yet, I am not sure they will get there.

I am not quoting the theory of intelligent design to support the notion that God exists.

At this point in time , I have my questions .

Why would God show special interest in only some people or at least why does it seem that he does ? Why does not God heal amputees anymore ? Why are children born with AIDS for no fault of theirs ?

All this does make me think and I am no mainstream Christian . I could even be deemed a heretic by Christian fundamentalists. That is not the point. The point of this post was to make you think and come up with answers if you have any .


Anonymous said...

Matt: there is only one answer that makes sense to questions such as - why are children born with AIDS for no fault of theirs. That answer is karma. Every action - good or bad - generates the corresponding karma. Karma pre-supposes reincarnation which is the idea that a soul never dies - it just changes bodies from life to the next. Karma is carried over from one life to the next and if one performs heinous actions in one life and does not pay the price during that life, then he/she must pay the price in the next life/lives. Its very similar to the physics principles of conservation of mass or energy. Read up more philosophical books or even different interpretations of the bible and you will find answers

M said...

My friend . There is no scientific proof for what you have stated here .

You talk about Karma and the Bible . Tells me that you are from India but I cannot for sure hone in on your religion but something tells me that you do believe in God . The Bible for instance clearly indicates in the NT that one will not suffer for the sins of his or her father or mother not that you said that and there is no concept of Karma in the Bible . Karma is a Hindu concept . There are so many contradictions in both Hinduism and Christianity and in all other religions .I can ask you more . Thanks for trying but you fall short at least for now with your explanations